Friday, October 31, 2014

Away We Go 
[Burt (John Krasinski) & Verona (Maya Rudolph) got a stroller for some friends of theirs]
So the comment by the actress Maggie Gyllenhaal is pretty telling.  What is wrong with a stroller?  The thing that these particular people in this movie bring up is our culture that is in love with our children.  In this country we have such a weird understanding of what is good for our children.  Strollers aren't bad things.  Just as much as getting into a little bit of trouble, and get dirty isn't bad. 

There is a culture in our society that says we should always put our children first, and I disagree.  I think that children are important and that we should love and care for them.  Mom and Dad come first.  The best way to love your kids is to love your spouse.  Children need to remember that Mom and Dad love each other.  That is how the children will learn how to love, is by seeing mom and dad love.  I will love my wife always before my kids, but you sure can bet that the next person I will kiss and be glad to see is our kids.  If you put the child first it begins to teach them a sense of entitlement. 

So if you are a parent stop and ask yourself do I love my spouse enough?  Or do I put my children first?  If you do, take some time today to tell them you love them, and that you are happy to be with them.  

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