Thursday, May 22, 2014

Count of Monte Cristo 
[Mercedés has come to speak with this man from her past that has been thrust back in, the Count of Monte Cristo (Jim Caviezel), aka Edmond Dantés.]
(be forewarned it is a little glitchy)  Ahhh....revenge.  They tend not to go together, but in this clip they happen to occur.  Mercedés uses her powers of reason and virtue of charity & chastity, to cut through this facade that Edmond has put up to seek his plot of revenge and hatred.  She knows who he truly is, and even sees his dignity as a child of God, even though he has forgotten that fact because of his own pain and misery.  Mercedés shows Dantés that she has been faithful to him.  She has loved him, given what she knew about his life.  She has never ceased loving him.  

Alright, what can I learn from this?  Some people just see a love story.  I see transformation.  Throughout the movie Dantés is filled vengeance towards those who had wronged him.  He is so full of hate, and malice.  Love transforms those desires.  True love casts out things that are contrary to its nature.  It calls us to a higher purpose, something beyond ourselves.  She tells him about the faith that he once had, reminds him that God is everywhere.  True love brings us to the ultimate point of all reality, which is Love, Jesus, God.  

Love truly has the power to move us, remind us of our greater calling as a son or daughter of God rather than somebody just pursuing things we think shall make us happy.  Even if Dantés killed, or had arrested all those who had wronged him, what would he gain in the end.  What would be his purpose to live after those tasks are completed?  It is an interesting question to ponder.  Are we holding on to anything that consumes our life?  Who is your Mercedés?  Who is this woman than can change mans heart from vengeance? She is a servant of God, the true mover of our hearts.  Mercedés is a fitting name for her since it is the mercy of God that frees us from our sins.   

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