Tuesday, May 20, 2014

 [Thor is the god of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth), and Loki (guy sitting on the throne) is his brother.  Loki is controlling the big metal guy)]

So why is this clip so meaningful you might ask, it is just another super hero movie, they don't exist in our world so how could this have anything to do with my life?  Heroes do exist in our world, maybe not super, like Thor, but they do exist, and their qualities are the same.  Thor had not been the best of persons at the start of this movie, but over the course of the film he had learned the virtue of humility.

Humbly he walked out to meet and talk with his brother.  It is meeting his brother like this that he chose to apologize for the wrongs he had done.  One of the amazing things about humility is that if it is true humility it leads us to be courageous.  It was courageous to go out against this metal guy knowing full well that he might die.  He was offering his life freely to save those that he loves, those that are innocent of any crime against his brother.  He offers his life to end the destruction of this town.

At first we might think that Loki accepts the apology of his brother, but he doesn't.  We fear being Loki, the villain, so cold-hearted.  Loki was unable to forgive his brother so he decides to kill him.  We fear becoming a villain in this story, because we know that we can easily become this character.  We watch the movie to be reminded that forgiveness, humility, and courage are noble attributes that we seek.

Thor by giving his life for others, becomes worthy of his calling, of being a god.  Is this not the same message that Christ himself gave us.  "Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit." Jn. 12:24  It is by giving of yourself that we come to have a full life.  We are meant to give our lives for the noble cause, and what could be nobler than laying down your life for the sake of others?  Christ taught us to love one another, to give our life to one another, and that is what Thor did in this clip.  He sacrificed himself, this is what we look for in our heroes.  Because true authentic love is always sacrificial.

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