Batman Begins
[ Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) had his parents murder by Joe Chill (the man on trial) when we was a boy. Falcone is the crime boss of Gotham. The prosecution wants to take down Falcone. ]
We all love the super heroes movies...because they remind us of something greater than the base human motivations. We want more than just a guy out for revenge, we see revenge on the news all the time. Revenge simply leads to more pain and agony, and even loss. We can become so consumed with vengeance that we forget the other things in life. Putting vengeance first ignores the finer things of life. Justice is what we desire.
This clip shows the beginning of Batman, a hero who will defend Gotham to his last breath. He starts out being motivated by revenge a motive we can all understand. "I have been hurt, and the wrong that was committed against me deserves compensation." This is often our line of thinking, but is this really justice? Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes) says it best, Justice is about harmony. Revenge is about us making ourselves feel better. Revenge is based off the blind emotion of pain and agony over the wrong committed against us. It does nothing to take into account the greater value of the world around us.
Justice leads to harmony. It does not ignore the wrong that was done, but seeks a new harmony, since the harmony was interrupted by the act of another. Justice seeks what is good for all. Revenge is a temporary fix (it floods our mind so that we are consumed with nothing aren't thinking about your pain anymore). Justice seeks to amend the wrong, and adjust reality accordingly so that more pain does not happen, that things stay in harmony with what they are.
As I said in a previous post, Justice has to be greater than ourselves. Justice must come from a source outside our selves otherwise we are just asserting ourselves over other people. We are putting my intellect, my conscience upon everybody. This is a fine line to walk because it is important that there is an objective moral code, and we ought to follow it. Objective, which means it is outside our selves. The good people, know this code though, even though they may not be able to articulate it, which is why we are called to action. "What hope does Gotham have if the good people do nothing?"
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