[Elsa and Anna are sisters. Elsa has a gift that ended up hurting Anna at a younger age...and it wiped out her memory]
And here is the musical number for all of you who thought I was just doing guy movies. Disney, and musicals have a lot to teach from just as much as others.
Anna is constantly seeking Elsa out. "Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman." Anna just wants to spend time with her sister. Anna loves Elsa and misses her. Imagine a relationship that you only have through a door, at arms length. It is hard to maintain that relationship, to let it grow, and blossom into the full fruit that it can become.
Anna respects Elsa's wishes when Elsa asks Anna to leave her alone. This is a wonderful parallel to how Christ loves and pursues us. Jesus never forces Himself upon us, He simply knocks at our door. If you want Him in your life then you have to let Him in. He wants to be in our life, and it doesn't have to be in the way He first thought (snowman), it can be anything. He wants to be in relationship with you, a good one, where you talk, hang out, and actually grow.
If you remain behind the door, and never open it up to Christ, you will end up like Elsa, in a "The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone." Gn. 1:18 We are made for communion with our Lord, but also those around us. What are the doors that you need to open to let Love in? We close doors all the time because we are afraid of the gifts that God has given us. It is true it is possible that they could hurt others. Often we do hurt one another, but Christ taught us that suffering can have meaning. It is only by being in relationship that we come to the fullness of who we are meant to be. Granted we will be hurt along the way, but it is well worth it, for the alternative is isolation, separation from Love, which is ultimately the definition of hell.
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