Friday, September 19, 2014

Children of Men
[In a world were there have been no children for 18 years, some infertility defect, Theo (Clive Owens) protects a woman who has just given birth.  In this dystopian future there seems almost always battles going on.]
In a world where there have been no babies crying for 18 years this woman miraclously gives birth, and the child survives.  It is horrifying to stop and ponder what if there was no more new life in this world.  We could literally say that the moment that happens is the moment humanity starts dying.  

Now here in the midst of this battle Theo protects Kee(the mother) who is walking out to try and find safety for her and her child.  You can see the transformation in the people as they witness that there is a child.  Some people reach out and try to touch the baby, the new life.  They are so in awe of life.  Where has that gone in our society?  Even the people with guns stop and give pause to recognize the sanctity of new life.  The one military man ordered a cease fire, and everything pauses in their world to give thanks and praise for the new life.  

As often the case, we go from experiencing this euphoric moment and pause in wonder of the world we live in to the daily grind.  At the end of the clip the battle rages on again.  What is it in us that we so quickly forget the joy that we experience that one crystal clear moment.  Here this woman was walking through war, and the baby reminds people that life is sacred, it is precious, and yet the end goes right back to killing, the exact opposite of the sanctity of life. May we pause this day, if only for a moment even as these people did, and give God thanks for the sanctity of life, and that we get to participate in the continuation of life.   

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