Friday, September 12, 2014

The Amazing Spider-man 2
[Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) is dying, and has thought that maybe the blood from Spider-man, a superhero might save him.  So he asked his friend Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) to ask Spider-man for him. Peter Parker, who is Spider-man, is really good friends with Harry.
The hero is supposed to save people, right? But at what cost?  Spider-man tells Harry that he cannot give him his blood because it could be dangerous.  Peter earlier in the film learned that his blood is special, and that it was this special blood that allowed him to be Spider-man actually.  He knows that if he adds his blood to Harry's with no tests, no background work done that Harry could turn into a monster.   This is a testament to the motto that is popular from the Spider-man comics and the guiding principle of Spider-man, "with great power, comes great responsibility."  Peter has to not only think about his friends interests, but the world at large.  Imagine what would happen if Spider-man was responsible for creating a monster.  He needs time to think about the full implications of what might happen if he gives Harry his blood. 

The second thing we can learn from this clip is the point of being in a wiser seat.  We might look at some issues that are hot button topics, but people cannot see from a clear perspective.  Spider-man is trying to actually care for Harry in this scene.  He loves his friend and wants to help him, but what his friend wants at this time is not what is best for him, or for others possibly.  "To love is to will the good of another." (St. Thomas Aquinas)  It is this fact that Spider-man in good conscience cannot fulfill the desires of Harry.  Sometimes to love somebody means to not given into their wants.  This understanding though is a fine line.   We can become dangerous tyrants if this quality of knowing what is right for others is left unchecked.  This is what any totalitarian regimes do, implementing their world view.  The question though that has to be asked often is what is the world view, is it a good one, and is it actually for the good of mankind. I believe that Peter makes the right decision here, it is sad that through trying to love Harry, he creates an enemy.  You can almost see the pain in Spider-man's mask as he hears the desperation, and hatred he has for Spider-man.  This is a spiritual work of mercy though, "bear wrongs patiently."  

Here is link if you are curious about the rest of the works of mercy.

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