Friday, August 8, 2014

Patch Adams
[Patch Adams (Robin Williams) is on trial for unlawfully practicing medicine at a ranch (hospital). He has the knowledge.]
Patch Adams brings a wonderful observation that so often we forget in world.  Patch talks about the point of medicine, or being doctors, which is to help people.  Throughout the whole movie actually you can see this is his point, they are people not a condition, or a disease.  It is all well and good to treat the disease, and I believe doctors should do that, but not at the cost of the person.  Think about it for a second, what if you put the person through so many tests, procedures, and drugs only to find out that the person wanted to die in the first place, or at least that they were ready to die.  

So often in our jobs we start working on the task at hand, what we think the real problem is, and all the while we forget why we are doing it in the first place.  Step back and think for a second, why is it that a person works at a restaurant?  Is it simply to serve, or cook food well.  Yes, but only if there are people to serve or cook it for.  If we forget that the end task is people we always lose in the big picture.  

This happens in our faith too.  We start practicing the Faith well, going to Mass, or a Church service, Temple, or any place of worship.  We help out at the parish, we do volunteer work, we are a good citizen, I give money every Sunday.  But I ask you to what avail?  All those actions lose there clout if it is not borne from our relationship with God.  So often we get caught up in external aspects of our faith, and it makes sense, we can control those.  If we have done this at the cost of the relationship with God, then what have we lost?  So often we are Christian, but have forgotten Christ.  

So I encourage you, today take the time to pray!  Prayer, in its true form, is always about remembering, and living that relationship with God.  It reminds me that without Him, all the tasks in the world won't mean anything. 

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