Friday, August 1, 2014

The Holiday
[Iris (Kate Winslet) had traded places with a person on home exchange to get away from her guy problems aka Jasper (Rufus Sewell)]
So Iris responds wonderfully to Jasper.  It is a good thing that she finally gets rid of a person that is not good for her life.  She takes a stand and reminds herself that she should be happy not wallowing in misery over a guy that claims that he loves her.

Besides that point, the one to think about is how this is an analogy of our love for sin.  We often times fall in love with sin just as Iris fell in love with Jasper.  We want to be with sin, we think our particular sin loves us back, yet it is committed to something else.  The only thing that sin has ever truly brought us is pain.  I know pleasure in the beginning and even the promise of pleasure later, but ultimately pain.  We often punish ourselves thinking that because we did not do sin the right way that it is the reason we are in pain, and that reality is not the way we want.  We forget that the wages of sin is death, death to who we are.  We end up being a shriveled shell of our former selves, who we were made to be.

Instead of being hopelessly lost and caught up in the trappings of our sins, we need to recognize our relationship for what it is.  We need to take the gumption to be able to cease our relationship with sin, to proclaim as Iris did " ITS OVER."  We need to say that sin has no place in our life, we need to eradicate it completely and not listen to any of its tempting messages.  Iris says "shhh" when Jasper tries to speak to interrupt her declaration.  We cannot give any ground for sin to stay rooted in our life.  We need to respond with the gumption Iris did.

If we do chose to eliminate sin from our life as Iris does in this case, then we will respond with the euphoria that she does at the end of this clip.  There is so much more to life then this stupid relationship with sin that we continue to have.  If  only we accept that we are the "lead" in our own story.  Christ gave you a light not to be hid under a bushel basket.

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