Friday, August 29, 2014

The Blindside
[Michael is learning how to play football for his high school.  His new mom Leigh Anne Tuohy(Sandra Bullock) goes out to help him out]
This is another fantastic movie that I highly encourage you to watch the whole story.  

The way Leigh Anne came on the scene and knew exactly what to do is pretty amazing.  Why is that she knew how to handle the situation and yet the coach did not?  Mrs. Tuohy knew something about Michael that the coach didn't, that Michael is somebody who wants to protect people, not hurt people, or be rough like most men are.  The coach thought that Michael was a lost cause, a gentle giant.  The thing that people forget about gentle giants is that they are not always gentle, you just have to find the cause that their heart unlocks for.  

How often do we approach evangelization, or even life this way?  We think we know how the world works, or we write somebody off on a first impression.  People in the Church can think that atheists are cold, or that they don't want anything out of life.  Or how many people have treated people with same-sex attraction terribly because we believe we already know them.  All people can be a great asset to the Church, to God, to society in general if only we can take the time to get know them.  

Leigh Anne knows that you cant begin to coach somebody unless you know what motivates them, why do they come out on to the field to begin with?  The question posed to us then is if we are faced with a reality that we don't like, will  we stand on the sidelines and gossip, or will we actually do something to respond to the person before us?  So I challenge you this day, love somebody by taking the time to get to know who they are before you make an assumption of their abilities.  Love somebody today!

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